“Almost every successful venture begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and we have the power to make it so…” —Unknown
The quote above serves as inspiration for what has become a long and difficult path for many who live at the Pointe South Mountain. Notwithstanding the history of friction between different populations within our great community, the series of events that spurred a recent community-wide uproar are, unfortunately, still in play.
Seeking resolution to the long-standing problems plaguing a portion of our community that feels disenfranchised has been, at times, an exercise in futility. How money was/is spent and the rules that are followed (or not followed) led to a recall of four Board members by a group calling itself the Concerned Courthome Owners. The recall failed, but the point was made: organizing for substantive change resulted in special meetings, workshops, and an attempt to implement even more rules that impact half of the community. It also pointed out that more homeowners (of all types) at the Pointe need to educate themselves, take an active role, and get involved–without fear of backlash or retribution.
Since the recall, many single-family and garden homeowners expressed a desire to join forces with Courthome owners to help improve relations, remedies and fair governance that serves the entire community. This new faction, the Pointe South Mountain Resident Advocacy (PSMRA) Group, has two key objectives: to let the facts speak for themselves, and to temper animosity with improved communications that educate and clarify.
The newly formed PSMRA Group has been working behind the scenes to develop and produce this website, which offers factual information and related resources related to a variety of PSMRA issues that impact the entire community. This website is designed as an educational resource to advocate for those who otherwise may not understand the process behind how and why certain rules are applied or actions are taken. It is not designed as a replacement for website offered by the Pointe’s current management company, First Service Residential, (see links), or the Pointe at South Mountain Gathering Spot FaceBook social media page, which is open only to approved members.
Many homeowners here have fond memories of single-family, garden and courthome owners gathering socially in the spirit of fellowship, working on committees together to help retain the care of our homes and the beauty of our surroundings. And as the saying above notes, “the future can be better than the present, and we have the power to make it so.”
Please consider this website as yet another resource that will help you better understand facts behind the decisions being made about the care of our homes and community.